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How To : Edit My Latest Pic on IG

Helloo luvlyss! Been a few weeks since my last appearance right? Kali ini aku mau bikin artikel tentang cara mengedit foto terbaru aku di Instagram aku yaitu @dvnaptrr (im actually putting effort to make this lmao). Nah bagi yang belum follow, mending kalian follow aku dulu biar bisa liat fotonya hehe. Eh gadeng, hasil akhir fotonya bisa kalian liat dipaling bawah!  -warning this gonna be a long ride- Okay jadi pertama, ini tuh editnya gampang banget banget banget. Dan juga aku cuman pakai dua aplikasi buat edit fotonya yaitu Picsart sama VSCO sama satu aplikasi, yaitu We Heart It, buat nyari backgroundnya. Ketiga aplikasi itu aku rekomendasiin banget ke kalian guys! So we're done with the talking, let's get started! Jadi yang pertama banget aku lakuin adalah nyari background yang matching sama foto aku dulu! Aku suka nyari foto-foto di We Heart It karena aplikasi itu lengkap banget dan ga ribet. Buat nyari background yang cocok kalian bisa langsung ketik ...

Life as a 9th-grader

Hello to my luvly readers!! Been awhile since my last post, right? Today i'm not going to give you guys some 'berfaedah' post lmao. Insteaddd i'm going to rant about how's my life been. I'm a 9th grade student in SMPN 3 Banjarmasin btw. So i'm on my last semester which mean the most hectic and busy time of the year bcs all the students are preparing for the national exam aka UN. By the way my school apply the computer based system instead of the paper and pencil based (which make it easier, i guess).  And I'm a really 'mageran' person and i procrastinate A LOT. I like to spend my time with my Bengbeng gurls and others instead of studying hard lol. I'm just an ordinary teenager anyway.