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Life as a 9th-grader

Hello to my luvly readers!!

Been awhile since my last post, right?
Today i'm not going to give you guys some 'berfaedah' post lmao. Insteaddd i'm going to rant about how's my life been. I'm a 9th grade student in SMPN 3 Banjarmasin btw.

So i'm on my last semester which mean the most hectic and busy time of the year bcs all the students are preparing for the national exam aka UN. By the way my school apply the computer based system instead of the paper and pencil based (which make it easier, i guess).  And I'm a really 'mageran' person and i procrastinate A LOT. I like to spend my time with my Bengbeng gurls and others instead of studying hard lol. I'm just an ordinary teenager anyway.

So i have school for almost 7 hours, 6 days a week. Yup, no full day guys and i'm so happy haha. I have extra lessons on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. And i have basketball practice on Wednesday (which i attend rarely bcs of this UNBK thingy ya knoww). My life is boring yea? But i'm still thankful that my parents never force me to join intensive course for national exam -because it happens to few of my friends. I still have fun in the middle of this super hectic semester guys lmao.

i'm about to pass out bcs this semester is crazy as heck.

And as a last year student in JHS, i'm looking forward for SHS! I actually still don't know where to go. But thank god few days ago i got a news that i passed the Semesta School Scholarship Test even thought i only get the 12th place which mean that i only get 50% scholarship. I can't go to Semesta bcs i don't want to burden my parents (bcs i only get 50% scholarship okay). Now my only choice is to go to public school here bcs i can't afford private school lmao but i'm waayyyy better in public school anyway.

My point is, i am a mess guys. This semester is so hard. Not the lesson, but the pressure. It's even feel like time goes way faster at this semester than before. To y'all who already pass this phase, congratulations!!!! You guys survive hell.

Yoooo that's all my so-useless rant. Thank you for reading even tho you just scroll past everything lol i still appreciate that.
Bye luvlyyss!
+bonus my favo scream queens (scream queens 2 sangat amat reccomended gais luv)

ini si dokter Brock Holt sangat nyebelin gais.


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